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Aristocrats -  This Way or That Way: The Poplar Admiral


belowside of female The Poplar Admiral (Limenitis populi) also is a butterfly that lives in tree tops, but in addition is quite rare in cenral Europe. So it is very improbable that an average person will come across a specimen at all during his or her lifetime. 

On the belowside of its wings, the basic color is orange. In contrast to male wings female wings have broad white bands, which makes the female more conspicuous than the male. 

The upperside is brown and in addition to the white bands has marginal bands of orange and blue spots.  upper side of wings of female
upper side of male The white bands on the wings of the male are much narrower, making the male looking less conspicuous. At the same time, his wings display an iridescent blue, although this is not as strong as it occurs on the wing of the Emperor species.

Male and female in this species hardly differ by their size, but mainly by their colours. 

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previous picture   Painted Lady Comma Fritillary
Camberwell Beauty Purple Emperor ??? Emperor
Poplar Admiral

Photgraphs by José Verkest, Text by Maria Pfeifer